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LocoNet Layout Commander - Track power, E-STOP and slot clearing


Download LoconetLayoutControlPanel.ino - Arduino Sketch



 * LocoNet Layout Commander
 * A standalone controller which will generate LocoNet commands when a button is pressed to:
 *   Turn track power on and off, with a LED to indicate state.
 *   Generate a master E-Stop, with a LED to indicate state.
 *   Clear all slots in a command station
 * RX and TX Loconet
 *   Hardcoded to use ICP pin 8 (port PINB bit PB0) for LocoNet input and a user define'd pin for output/transmit
 * 3 pushbuttons and associated LEDs plus a Loconet Shield
 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2014 John Plocher, released under the terms of the MIT License (MIT)

#include <LocoNet.h>

#define PowerOnPort      2    // Buttons connected to these pins
#define PowerOffPort     3    // GPON GPOFF and ESTOP as well as Clear All Slots
#define EStopPort        4
#define SlotClearPort    5

#define LNtxPort         6    // LocoNet Transmit pin (LocoShield uses pin7)

#define PowerOnLEDPort  11    // Assume this pin has a LED+resistor attached...
#define PowerOffLEDPort 12    // Assume this pin has a LED+resistor attached...
#define EStopLEDPort    13    // Assume this pin has a LED+resistor attached...

// Button press state
// Current
int GPonButton,    GPonButton1,   GPonButton2;
int GPoffButton,   GPoffButton1,  GPoffButton2;
int EStopButton,   EStopButton1,  EStopButton2;
int ClearButton,   ClearButton1,  ClearButton2;

// Last state processed - helps us ensure we don't repeat commands while a button is held down
int lastGPon  = -1;
int lastGPoff = -1;
int lastEStop = -1;
int lastClear = -1;

int ClearIt   =  0;           // Should we clear slots when we get a slot status packet?
void setup(){
    pinMode(PowerOnPort,     INPUT);   
    pinMode(PowerOffPort,    INPUT);   
    pinMode(SlotClearPort,   INPUT);   
    pinMode(EStopPort,       INPUT); 
    pinMode(EStopLEDPort,    OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(PowerOnLEDPort,  OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(PowerOffLEDPort, OUTPUT); 
    digitalWrite(PowerOnLEDPort,  0);   // Power is in an unknown state
    digitalWrite(PowerOffLEDPort, 0);   // 
    digitalWrite(EStopLEDPort,    0);   // and not estopped
    // Configure the serial port for 57600 baud
    Serial.println("LocoNet Controller");     
    // initialize the LocoNet interface

void setLNTurnout(int address, byte dir) {
    sendOPC_SW_REQ( address - 1, dir, 1 );
    sendOPC_SW_REQ( address - 1, dir, 0 );

void sendOPC_SW_REQ(int address, byte dir, byte on) {
    lnMsg SendPacket ;
    int sw2 = 0x00;
    if (dir) sw2 |= B00100000;
    if (on)  sw2 |= B00010000;
    sw2 |= (address >> 7) & 0x0F;
    SendPacket.data[ 0 ] = OPC_SW_REQ ;
    SendPacket.data[ 1 ] = address & 0x7F ;
    SendPacket.data[ 2 ] = sw2 ;
    LocoNet.send( &SendPacket );

void sendOPC_INPUT_REP(int address, byte on) {
        lnMsg SendPacket;
        SendPacket.data[ 0 ] = OPC_INPUT_REP;  
        SendPacket.data[ 1 ] = address & 0x7F;  // turnout address
        int in2 = B01000000;
        if (on)  in2 |= B00010000;
        in2 |= (address >> 7) & 0x0F;
        SendPacket.data[ 2 ] = in2;            // sw2 contains direction, on/off and hi nibble of address

        LocoNet.send( &SendPacket ) ;

void sendOPC_GP(byte on) {
        lnMsg SendPacket;
        if (on) {
            SendPacket.data[ 0 ] = OPC_GPON;  
        } else {
            SendPacket.data[ 0 ] = OPC_GPOFF;  
        LocoNet.send( &SendPacket ) ;

void sendOPC_IDLE() {
        lnMsg SendPacket;
        SendPacket.data[ 0 ] = OPC_IDLE;  
        LocoNet.send( &SendPacket ) ;

void send3bytePacket(int opcode, int slot, int spd) {
        lnMsg SendPacket;

        SendPacket.data[ 0 ] = opcode;
        SendPacket.data[ 1 ] = slot;
        SendPacket.data[ 2 ] = spd;  
        LocoNet.send( &SendPacket );
void sendOPC_LOCO_SPD(int slot, int spd) {

void sendOPC_LOCO_DIRF(int slot, int dirf) {

void sendOPC_LOCO_SND(int slot, int snd) {

void sendOPC_SLOT_STAT1(int slot, int stat) {

void sendOPC_RQ_SL_DATA(int slot) {

void processIncomingLoconetCommand(lnMsg* LnPacket) {
    if( LnPacket )      {   
        unsigned char opcode = (int)LnPacket->sz.command;
        if (opcode == OPC_GPON)  {     
            Serial.println("Power ON");     
            digitalWrite(PowerOnLEDPort, 1);  
            digitalWrite(PowerOffLEDPort, 0);
            digitalWrite(EStopLEDPort, 0);
        } else if (opcode == OPC_GPOFF) {
            Serial.println("Power OFF");     
            digitalWrite(PowerOnLEDPort, 0);
            digitalWrite(PowerOffLEDPort, 1);
        } else if (opcode == OPC_IDLE) {
            digitalWrite(EStopLEDPort, 1);
        } else if (opcode == OPC_SL_RD_DATA) {
            if (ClearIt) {
                int slot = LnPacket->sd.slot;
                int stat = LnPacket->sd.stat;
                Serial.print("Clear Slot:"); Serial.print(slot); Serial.print(":");  Serial.println(stat);
                if (stat != 0) {
                   sendOPC_LOCO_SPD(slot,  0);   // speed 0
                   sendOPC_LOCO_DIRF(slot, 0);   // F0-4 off, Fwd
                   sendOPC_LOCO_SND(slot,  0);   // F5-8 off
                    // Don't need to turn off F9 and above because they should go away when track power is turned off...
                   sendOPC_SLOT_STAT1(slot, 0);
        } else {
            // ignore the message...

void loop() {  
    // Check for any received LocoNet packets
    while (lnMsg *LnPacket = LocoNet.receive() ) {
        processIncomingLoconetCommand( LnPacket );
    // Debounce logic:
    // ...Check for any buttons pushed, delay, read again...
    GPonButton1  = digitalRead(PowerOnPort);
    GPoffButton1 = digitalRead(PowerOffPort);
    EStopButton1 = digitalRead(EStopPort);
    ClearButton1 = digitalRead(SlotClearPort);
    GPonButton2  = digitalRead(PowerOnPort);
    GPoffButton2 = digitalRead(PowerOffPort);
    EStopButton2 = digitalRead(EStopPort);
    ClearButton2 = digitalRead(SlotClearPort);

    // ...identical readings mean we have a good result
    if (GPonButton1  == GPonButton2)  { GPonButton  = GPonButton1  ? 0 : 1; }
    if (GPoffButton1 == GPoffButton2) { GPoffButton = GPoffButton1 ? 0 : 1; }
    if (EStopButton1 == EStopButton2) { EStopButton = EStopButton1 ? 0 : 1; }
    if (ClearButton1 == ClearButton2) { ClearButton = ClearButton1 ? 0 : 1; }

    if (lastGPon == -1) {
        // need to initialize things the first time thru to ensure buttons don't all fire...
        lastGPon = GPonButton;
        lastGPoff = GPoffButton;
        lastEStop = EStopButton;
        lastClear = ClearButton;
    } else {
        // See if anything has changed since last time thru...

        if (GPonButton != lastGPon) {                // GP_ON
            lastGPon = GPonButton;
            if (GPonButton) {
            ClearIt = 0;
        if (GPoffButton != lastGPoff) {              // GP_OFF
            lastGPoff = GPoffButton;
            if (GPoffButton) {
            ClearIt = 0;
        if (EStopButton != lastEStop) {              // E_STOP
            lastEStop = EStopButton;
            if (EStopButton) {
            ClearIt = 0;
        if (ClearButton != lastClear) {              // Clear all Slots
            lastClear = ClearButton;
            if (ClearButton) {
                ClearIt = 1;
                // query all the slots, let the handler clear things
                for (int slot = 0; slot < 120; slot++) {
                ClearIt = 0;

This sketch is licensed under the MIT License