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Quad IR detector with hysteresis for IO4-IR-Detector-GBunza board on


Download IRDetector-Gbunza.ino - Arduino Sketch



//  IR Detector 
//  Circuit: See the IO4-IR-Detector-GBunza board on

#include <Wire.h>
#include <elapsedMillis.h>

//#define USE_LCD
#define DEBUG
#define HYSTERESIS 2000    // in mS units, 2000 = 2.0 seconds
#define EMPTY    ~OCCUPIED

#ifdef USE_LCD
#define I2C_ADDR    0x27

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C  lcd(I2C_ADDR, 16,2);
elapsedMillis updateLCDWatchdog;

#define PIN_DET1                2 // pin from IR comparator
#define PIN_DET2                3 // pin from IR comparator
#define PIN_DET3                4 // pin from IR comparator
#define PIN_DET4                5 // pin from IR comparator

#define PIN_OUT1                6 // pin to feedback connector
#define PIN_OUT2                7 // pin to feedback connector
#define PIN_OUT3                8 // pin to feedback connector
#define PIN_OUT4                9 // pin to feedback connector

#define PIN_LED1                13 // pin to LED
#define PIN_LED2                12 // pin to LED
#define PIN_LED3                11 // pin to LED
#define PIN_LED4                10 // pin to LED

#define VERSION "v1.1"  // initial version, debug LEDS and basic functionality
#define DATE    "12-06-2019" //  "6-15-2017"
#define NAME    "Quad IR Detector"

class Detector {
    Detector(void) {};
    void init(int number, int det, int out, int led) {
        num = number; // which detector - for debugging
        detPin = det;
        outPin = out;
        ledPin = led;
        detected = false;
	active   = false;
        delaytime = 0;
        pinMode(ledPin,  OUTPUT);	// visual Feedback
        pinMode(outPin,  OUTPUT);	// digital reporting back to computer
        pinMode(detPin,  INPUT);	// input from IR detector circuit

        digitalWrite(outPin, EMPTY);    // Leave the detection pin "off"
        digitalWrite(ledPin, EMPTY);    // Leave the LED "off"

    bool  isActive()   { return active == true; }
    bool  isDetected() { return detected == true; }
    int check(void) {
        active =  digitalRead(detPin);   // read state
        if (active) {           // something has been detected...
            if (detected == false) { // newly triggered
                // Serial.print("Detector ");
                // Serial.print(num, DEC);
                // Serial.print(" now ON  ");
            delaytime = 0;  // expiration timer is reset every time detection is seen
            detected = true;
        if (detected) {
            if (delaytime < HYSTERESIS) {
                digitalWrite(outPin, OCCUPIED); 
                digitalWrite(ledPin, OCCUPIED); 
            } else {
                // Serial.print("Detector ");
                // Serial.print(num, DEC);
                // Serial.print(" now OFF ");
                digitalWrite(outPin, EMPTY); 
                digitalWrite(ledPin, EMPTY); 
                detected = false;
        return detected ? 1 : 0;
    int num;
    elapsedMillis delaytime;
    bool detected, active;
    int detPin;
    int outPin;
    int ledPin;

Detector circuit[4];

void setup() {

#ifdef USE_LCD
  lcd.init();               // initialize the lcd
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(NAME);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(DATE); lcd.print(VERSION);
  updateLCDWatchdog = 0;

  circuit[0].init(1,PIN_DET1, PIN_OUT1, PIN_LED1);
  circuit[1].init(2,PIN_DET2, PIN_OUT2, PIN_LED2);
  circuit[2].init(3,PIN_DET3, PIN_OUT3, PIN_LED3);
  circuit[3].init(4,PIN_DET4, PIN_OUT4, PIN_LED4);


#ifdef USE_LCD

void loop() {
    for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
#ifdef USE_LCD
    if (updateLCDWatchdog > 100) { 
        updateLCDWatchdog = 0;

    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
    lcd.print("T1: "); lcd.print(circuit[0].isActive() ? "A" : " ");  lcd.print(circuit[0].isDetected() ? "D" : " "); 
    lcd.print("T2: "); lcd.print(circuit[1].isActive() ? "A" : " ");  lcd.print(circuit[1].isDetected() ? "D" : " "); 
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print("T3: "); lcd.print(circuit[2].isActive() ? "A" : " ");  lcd.print(circuit[2].isDetected() ? "D" : " "); 
    lcd.print("T4: "); lcd.print(circuit[3].isActive() ? "A" : " ");  lcd.print(circuit[3].isDetected() ? "D" : " "); 


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